Electric Dreams

dreams and Eckankar

DR E A M S : 
a Source of Inner Truth

Nathan Zafran 

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Zafran, Nathan (1997 January). D R E A M S : a Source of Inner Truth. Electric Dreams 4(1). Retrieved July 26, 2000 on the World Wide Web: http://www.dreamgate.com/electric-dreams  

"Dreams are a starting point for many who wish to begin thespiritual journey to God and do it in the easiest possible way. Dreamstaught me to face myself, let me see the future, and took me to the heavensof God."

--Harold Klemp, Spiritual leader of Eckankar

Awaken to Your Dreams

Do you ever wake from a dream but can't quite remember where you were?Then an image may gently float in or something sparks your memory. Suddenlyyou recall a scene as real as the world in front of you.

Dreams are windows into worlds beyond the ordinary. Some people havedreams that give them guidance about the smallest details of their dailylife along with profound spiritual insights. Others experience unconditionaland transforming love in their dreams. For example, a woman from the Midwestfound such love in her dreams after her mother died. The woman asked DivineSpirit for help with her grief. In a series of dreams she met with hermother. A they visited together, the daughter was filled with the love theyhave for each other. These dreams helped the woman deal with her sorrow.

Spiritual Insight from Dreams

ECKANKAR, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, can teach you how tolook at your life and your dreams from a spiritual perspective. Working withyour dreams from this viewpoint can help you handle daily challenges andlearn from them. The understanding you gain can bring you more patience,compassion, and love. Dreams can also give you the courage to recognize andpursue your divine purpose in life.

Dreams Are Real

"Dreams serve as a communication line between the invisible andvisible worlds. Or, if you prefer, between heaven and earth....A dream is areal-life experience an individual has on another plane of God....We, in ourtrue nature as Soul, are able to have experiences in a far-reaching panoramaof life."

--Harold Klemp

Temples of Golden Widsom

A European doctor and member of Eckankar often visited a healing temple inhis dreams. One day he was speaking with another member of Eckankar who isan artist. As the doctor looked at one of the artist's paintings, herecognized a scene. It was a terrace garden from the same healing temple hevisited in his dreams. Such Temples of Golden Wisdom are found on the manylevels of existence. Members of Eckankar often visit these temples forlearning, inspiration, and spiritual healing.

A Guide to Your Universe of Dreams

To understand the true nature of dreams, members of Eckankar receivedirection and help from Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar. Hisjob is to teach people how to walk their own path home to God.

As the Living ECK Master, he is the outer teacher who writes many books,discourses, and articles about Eckankar. As the Mahanta, the inner teacher,he is also the Dream Master. He offers personal guidance through dreams andthe inner teachings of ECK. If invited, the Mahanta can guide you throughuncharted worlds to self-mastery.

A Dream Exercise

Dreams are an easy and natural way to pursue spiritual unfoldment. Hereis an exercise you can try before you go to sleep. It can help you see yourproblems from a higher viewpoint to aid you in your life.

Make a request. Before you go to sleep, write down a question about aproblem that bothers you. Ask the Dream Master or your own spiritual teacherfor guidance on this question. Lie down, and close your eyes.

Sing HU. Softly sing HU (pronounced like the word hue) for about fiveminutes. HU is an ancient name for God. It has the unique ability to liftyou into a higher state of awareness. Singing HU connects you with DivineSpirit, or ECK, which can be seen as an inner light or heard as sound.

Write down your experiences. When you wake up in the morning, write downany dreams, thoughts, or feelings, even if you don't think they aresignificant. As you go through your day, write down any new thoughts orexperiences that relate to your problem. Do this for three to five days.Then look over your notes. You may discover that images you first thoughtwere unrelated now make sense and give you clues to the overall pattern ofyour life.

Membership in ECKANKAR

You can explore the vast worlds of Divine Spirit through membership inECKANKAR. The wisdom and knowledge you find are like seeds planted in yourheart. They can grow into greater love and insight in your daily life.

One key to this spiritual growth is the unique study of dreams inECKANKAR. Members of ECKANKAR study monthly spiritual lessons, known as ECKdiscourses. Two of the first few years of ECK discourses focus on dreams.

Through your ECK membership, you can study these discourses at home.Many areas also offer discourse classes for ECK members and ECK bookdiscussions for members and the public.

Through ECKANKAR membership and the guidance of the Dream Master, youcan become more aware of yourself as Soul, a spark of God.

The study of dreams in ECK can make you aware of all that you ever were,are, or could hope to be in this lifetime.

For more information on Eckankar, please visit the Eckankar Web site at
or call 1-800-LOVE GOD

For information on Eckankar related activities on the Internet, includingopen email discussions, book discussions and other activities, please feel free to send email to eckankar@mindspring.com

Copyright (c) 1992 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK,EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, P.O. Box 27300, Minneapolis, MN 55427 U.S.A.