Electric Dreams

A World's Dreams

Steven Baughman

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Baughman, Steven. (2006 November). A World's Dreams. Electric Dreams 13(11).

Hi, my name is Steven Baughman. I am a Master of Fine Arts student at Parsons School of Design. Working with fellow student Michael Tabtabai, our thesis is exploring the possibilities of social media in humanizing the digital experience. One approach we are taking is trying to find the best way to represent dreams in a digital environment.

We struggled with how to actually enter the dreams into the online space. Typing in front of a computer seemed too cold, and besides, I forget my dream literally minutes after waking up. After exploring some other alternatives (image entry, computer generated dreams, to name a few) we came to the obvious conclusion: voice recordings.

Last month we set up a phone number that anyone can call as they were waking up, and record their dreams. Many people use their phone as an alarm clock, and almost everyone has a phone on a bedside table. After the call, the dreams are then automatically uploaded online and saved for that person, and potentially anyone, to hear. In the future we hope to expand this site to allow users to login, save and sort their recordings, control who can listen to their dreams, and connect to people through their dreams. We're hoping soon to expand the project internationally by setting up some numbers in the UK, France, and Germany.

Truthfully, we don't know much about the specifics of dream theory. We only recently started getting into the subject, and have now been recording our dreams for a couple months. I love listening to my dreams later in the day, and often find myself amazed at the things I said just a few hours prior. Yet, I really enjoy listening to people talk about their dreams. They are so intimate. There is such a lack of voice in a digital environment, I find it refreshing to listen to someone speaking to me as if I was a good friend sharing a moment (and morning voices are sometimes really funny too!).

For the next few months I will do my best to keep you updated on new developments, and highlight some of my favorite dream recordings. I hope you'll take some time to listen to a few, leave some comments, and give us feedback about how to expand upon this idea.

Steven Baughman

For more info, please visit: http://a.parsons.edu/~famouser/dreamers
To record a dream, call: 347-404-5094.