The heart and soul of The Lucid Dream Exchange is its lucid dreamers. From
their first-hand accounts, readers can learn a lot about the lucid dreaming
phenomena. This month, Steve Parker shares his experiences with the W.I.L.D. technique.
Editor's Note: A "W.I.L.D" is a "Wake Initiated Lucid Dream"; a dream in
which the dreamer enters the dream state consciously, without first falling
asleep. The term "W.I.L.D." became popularized after it appeared in Stephen
LaBerge's ground-breaking book, "Lucid Dreaming". See this book for further

Steve Parker Goes W.I.L.D.!
I have been trying the W.I.L.D. technique. I was able to obtain very vivid
dreams with this technique. I finally became lucid using the W.I.L.D. (I
only have time to try it on the weekends. During the week I have to get up
at 4:00 a.m. every morning for work. On the weekends I sleep in. It is a
great time to try the W.I.L.D. technique.)
Sunday August 13 2006 7:00 a.m.
Several times I have tried the W.I.L.D. technique. Usually I try the
technique in the afternoon or after a good night's sleep. I wait for the
images to pass by. I then try to catch onto an image. When I do this I keep
repeating "I am dreaming". A couple of times this sent me immediately into
very vivid dreams. I was getting close but not quite lucid.
The Sunday morning after a lot of sleep I tried the W.I.L.D. technique. I
saw images go by and almost fell completely asleep. I tried to keep my
consciousness awake. In a half-sleep state I was able to grasp an image. I
saw grass below my feet. I said "I am dreaming" and the image became more
clear. When I realized I was becoming lucid because of the W.I.L.D.
technique I almost woke up. I kept repeating, "I am dreaming". This kept me
I then suddenly stepped into this image and found myself in a lucid dream
environment. I was walking down my street. It was daytime and I was looking
at the front lawns of my neighbors. The dream environment was very
realistic. As I was walking down the sidewalk enjoying the summer day I
decided it should snow. Snowflakes started falling and soon the sidewalk was
covered in snow.
I then decided there should be a strong wind blowing against me. A very
strong wind blew up out of nowhere and it was hard to even take a step
forward. I decided it should become hurricane strength. The wind
intensified. I decided to fly up into the air and let the wind take me. I
floated up and the wind took me sailing away. I swooped up and down, my nose
coming inches from the pavement. I was not worried and was enjoying this
great sensation. I could feel the wind and how powerful it was. I was able
to keep this going for a while and had a lot of control of this lucid
After awhile it became a vivid dream. While in this vivid dream I became
lucid again. I started floating again. I then woke up.
I found in this W.I.L.D. induced lucid dream that I was in more control of
my dream environment. In clarity and other aspects it was not any greater
than other lucid dreams. If you are taking a nap or oversleeping this is
definitely a quick way to become lucid. Do not try hard, and allow your mind
to relax. Keep repeating "I am dreaming" and grasp that image and do not let
it pass by.
Here is another example of a W.I.L.D. attempt and what appears to work for
Sunday August 20 2006 8:00 a.m.
I have had a very good nights' sleep. I am lying in bed very relaxed. I
start drifting off repeating, "I am dreaming". I can now see my hands. I am
observing them. I am lucid. I have used the W.I.L.D. technique. I now shift
to another image. I am looking down on a huge city. It may be a map. The
city is in 3D. Each building stands out clearly. The W.I.L.D. technique is
working. I now say "I am dreaming". I feel the rush of wind as I separate
from my sleeping body. At this moment I wake up. It is disappointing to wake
up now. I was ready to enter my W.I.L.D. lucid image.
In this state of alpha sleep it is easy to wake up. W.I.L.D. seems to work
best when you are relaxing after a good nights' sleep, or trying to take an
afternoon nap. I find it does not matter what position you are lying in as
along as you are comfortable. Also you feel your body is warm but not hot.
Now you let your mind relax and drift into a light sleep. At this time you
will find yourself in dream clips that do not last very long. While in these
dream clips keep repeating, "I am dreaming". Your mind is still awake. Upon
studying a dream image remind yourself that you are dreaming. This helps to
put you into the dream that you are observing. The trick now is not to wake
up while you are aware that you are dreaming. Hold onto the lucid dream and
do not panic. Now you can enjoy a lucid dream.
W.I.L.D. Within a Vivid: A brief lucid experience. It is interesting in only
that I was able to conjure up a "W.I.L.D." while dreaming.
Monday October 23 2006 a.m.
I am having a vivid dream of an amateur boxing tournament. They want me to
officiate. I do not mind since I used to officiate amateur boxing for nine
years. I do not have my referee uniform. It is okay, they will allow me to
wear my street clothes. I walk over to my judging chair. I sit down and look
around. I do not recognize anyone here, which is unusual. I relax, as there
is some time yet to the first bout. I decide to close my eyes and see if I
can initiate a W.I.L.D. It works. A large wooden house appears before me in
great detail. I now say "I am dreaming". I approach the house and get closer
and closer. I know I am lucid in this W.I.L.D. experiment but I cannot hang
onto it. I now wake up.
Happy lucid dreaming,

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