Electric Dreams

Update on 

Castaneda and Dreaming

Sandy McIntosh 

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McIntosh, Sandy (1995 October 23). Update on Castaneda and Dreaming. Electric Dreams 2(13). Retrieved July 31, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web: http://www/dreamgate.com/electric-dreams  

Following Carlos Castaneda's recent Tensegrity Workshop in LA, I wanted to add to my note on the difference between lucid dreams and "dreaming" in Cargos Castanea's lexicon. 

In the sorcerer's view, humans are capable of perceiving an enormous number of real worlds -- distinct worlds in which we can live and die -- and these worlds are arranged, one surrounding another, like the skins of an onion. Dreaming is a vehicle for accessing these worlds.

 Lucid dreaming usually takes us to "ghost worlds," or insubstantial areas between the real worlds. The key point for sorcerer's is that the quality of our dreaming is directly related to the amount of energy we have available to us, and that dreaming requires the utmost sobriety which only a person with substantial energy accumulation can claim. 

The practices of Tensegrity (in which one reclaims one's own dispersed energy through physical movement) and recapitulation (in which one reclaims dispersed energy through an examination of each of one's personal relationships, past and present) are designed to help the dreamer energetically so that he or she may be successful in dreaming. 

Information about these can be obtained from the alt.dreams.castaneda newsgroup or (better still) from Cleargreen, Inc., 11901 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 599, Los Angeles, CA, 90025, USA, or 1-800-490-3020

-- Sandy McIntosh