Electric Dreams

The Waves: Dreaming with the Departed

Overtone Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year

Nick Cumbo

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Cumbo, Nick (2004 February). The Waves: Dreaming with the Departed.
Overtone Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year. Electric Dreams 11(2).

The Waves is a newsletter reporting on the explorations of the Sea Life community. Sea Life, the main web forum at Dreampeace, aims to bring together a circle of dreamers from around the globe, collaborating in mutual dreaming adventures, and 'dreaming with and for the earth itself'.

Link: http://www.dreamofpeace.net

During the Overtone Moon, we participated in a 'Dreaming with the Departed' project, in which we shared and discussed our dreaming experiences with the departed. Discussion focused upon the question of spiritual existence after physical death, whether or not it were possible to communicate with the departed in dreams, and the need for healthy boundaries if such communication were possible.

While we weren't especially successful in our deliberate attempts to meet the departed in dreams, a small number of dreamers reported spontaneous experiences of their own. 'The Wizard' expressed his feeling that life after death seemed "a little too good to be true", though he also mentioned that if it were he'd like to communicate with his deceased grandparents. Two nights later he dreamed of his grandfather who'd died 12 years earlier. He was a little frustrated afterwards, since he couldn't remember what they'd said to each other.

'Clarkkent' also had a dream with the departed:


We were at a clifftop - we got to change the past of a relative who had died. (No, before you ask, Doctor Who was not in the dream) Then the scene changed. I was at a hospital together with my parents and a number of relatives, basically because that same relative had died. I had never seen these strange "relatives". We sat down to eat on a table. One of them took a cake mum had baked and tried to throw it on the floor (not at us like some slapstick comedy). I tried to hit him back.

As 'Clarkkent' later discovered, the next evening, the daughter of the departed relative turned out to have had a "very similar" dream. "The cliff top became 'somewhere high'. Somebody tried to kill the relative with a pillow in her dream, too. She had the relative's part of the dream too. Very strange." I could only wonder if combined together, the two dreams may form a piece of a greater puzzle; an attempt by the departed relative to communicate their feelings about an element of their past.

Previously, in my own conscious dreams, I'd had a number of experiences of communicating with the departed. It's my belief that freed from time and space; the spirits of the departed may also be able to offer us guidance for the future. As my aunty had died from the same disease, which a close friend has contracted, I went into dreaming with the hope that my aunty might be able to share some advice or suggestions for my friend. My dream was a valuable lesson, about human nature.


I recover my intention, to meet my Aunty Viv. I sing my intention out aloud, my voice gradually growing in intensity. I'm hoping to be pulled to her through flight, but instead I turn to see a young Asian man of about 18, who I immediately understand is some kind of spiritual guide, here to help me find my aunty. Before us, these steps begin to roll out as if they'd always been there. I get the impression that my guide has kind of melded them into being, as a link between two distinct places.

We continue walking into the room below, my guide ahead of me. It seems to be quite a busy place! Slowing down for a moment, he quickly whispers in my ear "Don't talk to her about the question you were going to ask her". His tone is firm, and I immediately understand that my initial intent to ask about health advice would not be the right thing to do. His words seem to be accompanied with a mental transfer of knowledge, which tells me that this might set her back in her spiritual growth, or perhaps that she will be a little offended. I feel a bit uneasy about having to 'hide' my intentions, but decide that it is probably the best thing I can do.

As I walk onwards, she arrives from the other direction. She looks young and healthy, still somewhat similar to her old self, but with a renewed vigour. I'm happy to see her, and we both share a warm hug. I get the feeling she is a little surprised to see me, as though she didn't really expect that I'd be interested in coming to meet her. Nevertheless, she's pleasantly surprised.

Taking me into the room, she introduces me to these two children who she's been working with. She tells me that they're seven and eleven. Though she points them out, I don't really get a clear look at them. At this point, she shows me what they've been working on. It's a really colourful map; full of cute little pictures of houses and the buildings that populate what seems to be an imaginary town. I get the feeling working with them is a big part of what she gets up to in the world of spirit, and that it brings her great satisfaction. I'm happy to see that.

In the words of Robert Moss (http://www.mossdreams.com/):

"We meet our departed loved ones in our dreams. Sometimes they come to offer us guidance or assurance of life beyond death; sometimes they need help from us because they are lost or confused, or need forgiveness and closure. Dreams of the departed help us gain first-hand knowledge of what happens after physical death."

Stay tuned next month for the results of our Healing Journey to Yellowstone.
We welcome new dreamers to join us in our adventures.

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