Dream telepathy experiments traditionally use pictures as
their targets. One person serves as "sender," concentrating on
the picture prior to sleep, with the intent to create a mental
broadcast for receptive dreamers to pick up. Participants in
the experiment go to sleep with the expectation that they will
serve as "receivers" of the incoming information in their
dreams. When they wake, they record their dreams and send the
reports to a facilitator who reviews all dreams, compares them
with the target and writes a summary of the results. Often,
the facilitator and sender are the same person. Such was the
case when, late one October, I invited folks to dream with me
(the participant names in this article are pseudonyms).
Since I had used plenty of picture targets in previous
experiments, I thought this time I would try something new. It
was my birthday week and I'd already been inundated with a
bonfire of small cake candles, so I selected a larger candle
from the family room to continue the theme. I carried it
upstairs, where I watched the flickering firelight as I sat in
my bed. Simple concentration on the target became boring, and
I didn't want to zone out while staring at it. So I decided to
write a poem from the impressions I gleaned while seeing,
smelling, touching and trying to hear a sputter from the
lighted candle. In additional to sight, I was attempting to
involve as many of my senses as possible.
When the dreams came in, I found that nobody had focused on
my poem and the descriptions of the candle were very oblique.
Lisa and Gwen noted eggs in their dream reports and
Henriette's dream talked about the moon. These symbols might
be considered subtle references to the candlewick's round,
glowing aura. Genevieve came closest when she perceived a bowl
(the candle had a holder) and a gold safety pin (both candle
and holder were shades of gold). In addition, her report
mentioned "a receptacle that looked like it was going to hold
liquid...basking in...light".
Actually, the greatest number of references weren't to fire
at all. Most dreams talked about water instead. Why the
elemental switch? Simple. The dreamers weren't just
concentrating on the candle; their psychic viewscreens were
wider than that. For instance, their dream pictures could
expand to include the person holding the candle. Namely,
After writing my poem, I held up the candle to gaze at it
once again. When I reached to place the candle back on the
bedside table, I spilled melted wax on my right arm and
shoulder. It stung but did not burn me. I was upset over
having to get up and change my pajama top. Henriette perceived
this scenario the best, although she substituted black shoe
polish for the golden candle wax. "...she's made a mess. I'm
mad and start cleaning it up," read her report. She also
talked about getting "splashed," but by water. The liquid in
the candle mouth had made a greater emotional impression than
the solid stick of wax or even the lighted wick. It also made
a literal impression on my skin, one I could feel acutely,
until I cleaned it off. So was emotion the carrier of
information or sensory experience? Or both?
Dreamers didn't just open their inner camera lenses to take
in more space. As with most psychic information, their
perceptual range includes an expansion of time, backwards and
Earlier in the day I had been working with my Rider-Waite
Tarot deck. Like traditional targets, these were pictures, and
very evocative ones at that. Lisa dreamt that Gwen brought her
to a psychic reader who had Tarot cards. On her part, Gwen
dreamt, "Linda is up in front and she is telling us about our
correspondences in dreaming." A numbered list of the
correspondences was tacked to her dream wall; Gwen especially
noticed numbers 8 and 18. In Tarot, #8 is the card of
Strength, which had been the central focus of my reading. #18
is the Moon card. Henriette dreamt, "I see all the phases of
the moon from new to crescent to last quarter to full." The
Rider-Waite rendition does seem to illustrate more than one
moon phase, collapsed into a single symbol.
Tarot cards can be packed with personal significance, but
it wasn't just the archetypal characteristics that caught the
dreamers' attention. Their shape and the tactile action
involved in the reading did, too. Laura simply dreamt of
"cards being passed around." Tammy awoke with an image of
boxes with "numbers and symbols...2 or 3 per box and I am
arranging them." Tammy made a sketch of her "boxes" and, to
me, they look like cards all in a row. They have the right
rectangular proportions: longer vertically than
The connections with my life went farther into the past. At
the beginning of the month, I'd been interviewed by a reporter
from our local paper about dream symbols and how they might
relate to the California Lottery (it was a tongue-in-cheek
piece). The newspaper article with my interview appeared on my
birthday and someone took it seriously enough to call me on
the phone. At 6:00 in the morning. Ugh. The folks at a San
Francisco station, KWSS, woke me up to ask me to...dream the
winning lottery numbers!
Karl resonated with this incident the best. He dreamt that
he was on a break at work in San Francisco (he didn't live or
work in the city). "...there is something odd about my job:
(it) somehow includes the job of "producing dreams." Karl
stops by the house of an old friend because he thinks the
friend can help him "produce dreams." Instead, the friend
"wants to talk about this other project or experiment going
on: a radio station something like KPFA is broadcasting some
kind of sound or wave..."
Laura time-traveled backward even further. She zeroed in on
the emotional turmoil that characterized the dreamworkers
meeting at which I had first met Genevieve. "...a feeling of
Gothic and intricate family intrigue and history" was a good
summary of the undertones of the event. She picked up more
specific characteristics, like the fact that I had become
quite angry.
Both events - the dreamworkers' meeting plus the abrupt
wake-up call and subsequent challenge - involved intense
emotions. I suspect both incidents were still "etched" in
aura, the aura that surrounds my body, that is, not the
candle's. Telepathic dreamers don't just about perceive the
surface of reality. They delve beneath, like a Tarot reading,
to perceive information floating in hidden psychic wave
There definitely was a trickster in the group (Gwen dreamt
about a "sacred clown"). It was Laura. Along with her dream
report, Laura sent along a clipping from a San Francisco
newspaper. The clipping turned out to be yet another target,
which neither I nor the rest of the group saw until after the
official sending date. It was an interview column: a reporter
had gone into the city streets to ask questions of passers-by.
The question of the day was "Do You Have Happy Dreams?" Most
of the interviewees had replied in the affirmative. The lone
dissenter had ended her description of a nightmare with the
phrase, "Luckily, that's when I woke up." Perhaps that's why
Lisa dreamt about a "Lucky's" grocery store. Another
interviewee had mentioned that one of his happy dreams was a
Gwen was the one who best honed into Laura's target. Right
smack in the middle of the column, a woman responded "yes" to
the inquiry about happy dreams. "They're almost vacations,"
she said. "Always something to do with the ocean and water. I
think it means I should do my calling and find a job as a
scuba diver." The woman is described as a "temp office
worker/scuba diver." I have been both. In fact, I learned to
scuba dive on vacation in Hawaii. In Gwen's dream she is
making a comment about Hawaii. A woman responds that "you get
free food (lucky groceries again) and one week vacation when
you start a job over there." Furthermore, Gwen is offered a
part in a play...as an *airtank*!
Three other participants dreamt about beaches, another
reflection of the Hawaiian theme. One beach had a pier,
perhaps because the interviewees were being questioned at the
San Francisco waterfront.
Since I didn't know about the newspaper column, I joined
the rest of the group as a psychic reader. I had a dream whose
phraseology strangely paralleled Karl's dream. In both cases,
we noticed discrepancies in our dreams, but neither became
lucid. Karl recognizes that his "dream mother is white,
whereas the real (woman) was black." My dream says, "I realize
that (our cat) has tiger markings, unlike waking life, where
she is black." The scuba woman smack dab in the middle of the
column was Black. And, believe it or not, her last name was
Speaking of critters, Karl dreamt of a dinosaur. So did I.
Was Karl dreaming my dream or was I dreaming his? Sometimes,
it can be hard to say. But in this case, I nominate my own
dream (I'd also been thinking and talking about dinosaurs...in
terms of dream symbols). As sender, my dreams of the night
served as yet another target for inquisitive participants.
Okay, let's see where we are now. In a dream telepathy
experiment, participants can dream of the sender's target, the
sender's life and the sender's dreams. Conversely, the sender
can dream of their lives and dreams. Both may ignore the
"official" target for spontaneous alternatives, probably
because they are more interesting!
The opportunities for psychic "hits" in a dream telepathy
experiment are many-fold. Nowadays, I never limit myself to
looking for correspondences with the official target. There
are far more possibilities than can be discovered through that
limited peep-hole. Psychic dreams don't dream like the old
radio analogy: tuning into a single station for news. They've
joined the Interweb generation. They dream wide-band.
I haven't even mentioned other networks, like connections
with friends, family and member of other concurrent dreaming
projects. And retrocognitive links with past projects. And
precognitions of things to come. And, most of all, the
multitude of links between participants, including some that
seem to have no connection with waking life at all. Truly,
there's a huge field of dreams in the world of psi.

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