Electric Dreams


 Kris B. Kendrick

 Creator of the 
Dreams Project

Richard Catlett Wilkerson 

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Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (1998 November). Interview: with Kris B. Kendrick, Creator of the Dreams Project by Richard Wilkerson. Electric Dreams 5(10). Retrieved July 8, 2000 on the World Wide Web: http://www.dreamgate.com/electric-dreams  

Richard C Wilkerson (RCW): When I log onto the Dreams Project http://www.gobox.com/dreams/ I have to slow down to see what's going on, like when I walk into a dark room and have to let my eyes adjust. This seems a perfect mood an pace for dreams and sharing dream images. Was this intentional?

Kris: Well, in the beginning, I wasn't really sure what kind of imagery I was looking for with this site. I found a scan of my own hand that I had done a few months before, and fiddled around with it for a while. The result was a disembodied hand, which seems to be touching the surface of some type of thick, clear liquid. It really affected me, in a disturbing way. I'm always intrigued when my own artwork disturbs me. The sepia tones came later. I was worried, at first, that they might be too oblique, and sleepy looking -- but I just kept coming back to that blurry, low-intensity amber and black look. I couldn't get away from it.

RCW: What gave you the idea or inspiration for a site involving dreams?

Kris: In the 6th grade I did an extensive term paper on REM sleep and dreaming, and I've been fascinated since then. Of course, I have my own, bizarre dreaming history to fuel that fascination. The site was born from a fresh dream, emailed to me by my good friend, and mentor, Steven Champeon (this dream, 'undone', appears at The Dreams Project). In turn, I responded with 'shoes'. I started thinking about how well written accounts of people's dreams were such an interesting mirror of their personalities, and that this might be an interesting thing to focus on.

RCW: There is often talk about the "Dream Movement", which as I understand it, includes bringing out the significance of dreams in all fields of study, in clinical and non-clinical settings and in the general populus. It also includes dream inspired art, writing and other forms of dream inspired creativity. How do you see yourself in this view of the dream movement?

Kris: Dreams are very powerful, and I sincerely believe that there is much of our emotional makeup that can be revealed, and altered in a positive way, by a consciousness of our dreamstates. As for a movement, I have no feeling about that. I am merely publishing people's written accounts of their own dreams in a visually pleasing manner.

RCW: Your Web presentation tends towards depth rather than clarity. Is there a particular theme you are heading towards, or are you allowing things to evolve organically?

Kris: Oh, I like the organic method for this project... I've designed websites for years. I'm going to let this one design itself. Be aware that I've been known to redesign on whim, however...

(RCW): The issue of who the authority is on a dream's meaning has been prevalent the last few years. When you approach dream interpretation, how do you decide who the authority is?

Kris: I never try to interpret the dreams I publish, and feel that this would be an invasion of privacy, somehow.

(RCW): In Gestalt and much Jungian dreamwork, the images are subjective, about the dreamer himself/herself. Other explorers feel the imaginal realm is independent of the ego and these personal dream images are only cloaked in personal garb, but really live in the imaginal realm independent of the ego. Do you have any thoughts the ownership of the dream image?

Kris: I don't buy the theory that all dream imagery is an ego trip. Obviously, a great deal of what happens in our dreams revolves around the dreamer, but there is pretty strong evidence that dreams are as necessary for our mental health as physiological processes, like digestion, are for our bodies. We use dreams to work out conflicts and traumatic events. I think dreams are very often like waste products from our minds.

RCW: There has been more than a little concern within the Association for the Study of Dreams on the issue of dream sharing in cyberspace. Some feel that cyberspace is not the place to share dreams, that sharing dreams leaves us too vulnerable to those who might take advantage of us for their own purposes. Do you have any thoughts on dream sharing and the Internet?

Kris: I think that the Internet is the perfect tool for publishing or continuing ones' studies of any subject. Whether publishing dreams on the Internet leaves people open and vulnerable is clearly a personal decision for each dreamer.

RCW: Do you have some favorite books on dreams and dreaming?

Kris: I don't read about dreaming. I don't really persue what people are saying about dreaming as an activity.

RCW: Do you have a favorite dream?

Kris: <smiling> Yes, but I can't, and won't, discuss it in an interview.

RCW: How has this dream influenced you?

Kris: <smiles silently>