Electric Dreams

A Report on the World Peace Bridge

Jean Campbell

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Campbell, Jean (2003 January). A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE:
A Report on the World Peace Bridge. Electric Dreams 10(1).

The month of December has been a busy and active one on the World Dreams Peace Bridge.

On December 6, Jeremy wrote from Korea.

"Yesterday and the night before, I had a good reception at the UNESCO cosponsored Symposium for Peace and Reconciliation in the Asian-Pacific Region. The first night, I sang the 'Peace Train Song' the best I have ever sung it, and on stage (for the first time solo) before an audience of about 100--all but three of them strangers. The next day, I met people from various countries, some of whom had heard my song and were pleased with me, and others who had not but who became friendly with me and showed interest in the peace trains, which were being displayed up and down the stairway leading to the conference hall.

"Some capable people expressed interest in helping the peace train in their own countries, including a Swiss official from the World Council of Churches..., a Ghanian theological student, an Indian professor who said his daughter in Calcutta might help, a Sri Lankan peace activist, a Cambodian female social worker, and most concretely a Korean woman with the sponsoring UNESCO organization, who proposed I give other presentations at an upcoming teachers training workshop at UNESCO and also a Peace Education training workshop in the summer....

"The Centere also invited me to hold two Children's Peace Train workshops, training teachers, so that they can go back to their own classes and teach their students about Peace, including through Peace Train making: one on January 22nd at their headquarters in Seoul, and another around August 18th, during a ten day teacher training workshop, also in Korea."

A week later, Jeremy also sent a note about the creation of Peace Trains in Seoul. "During the Fall Term of 2002, South Korean students from my Peace Education classes at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul visited local elementary schools, playgrounds, art schools, churches and private institutes, as well as members of their own families, to introduce, help create, and collect Peace Trains. I asked my students, 'What did you learn from the experience of making peace trains with children and others?' All without exception had a very positive learning experience. Here are some of their replies:

'I did the Peace Train with my cousins. But when I talked to them, I didn't know if they would help me. I found they were happy to help me. Everybody had their own idea of Peace. If somebody starts to think about Peace when they were very young, maybe they would be more active in Peace work later in life.'

'At first kids didn't know what to do. Then I asked them, "What do you feel about Peace? What do you want to do about Peace?" Then they loved it. They couldn't stop talking. They had so many ideas I didn't want to tell them what to do. I told them to do what they wanted to do.'"

'When I asked the children to, they made pigeons flying to North Korea, people climbing mountains, etc. Their brilliant thoughts astonished me.'

For more comment from Jeremy's students, and a look at the progress of the Peace Train Project, come visit the World Dreams Peace Bridge web site World Dreams Peace Bridge http://www.worlddreamspeacebridge.org/index.htm

And that is another thing which happened during the month of December. The dreamers of the World Dreams Peace Bridge created a web site. Money for the site was donated by people in the group, and the gorgeous design for the web site was created by Elizabeth Diaz. We had discovered that, for new arrivals on the Bridge (and people do keep coming to the group), it was becoming more difficult to understand what was happening. The pace of the discussion group can be a little overwhelming, along with just figuring out who's on first...or should I say who's got a foot on the Bridge. With the web site, which also contains the history of the World Dreams Peace Bridge, we will much more easily be able to keep people informed.

Not just people, but dreams keep arriving, in a process that is somewhat startling, even to those of us who've been in on it since the beginning. Here's an example. During December, the discussion group added two new members from Australia, Nick and Janette. Janette is talking about introducing the Peace Train Project to public schools in Melbourne, while Nick sent a couple of dreams he'd had about a treasure chest and putting treasures in the box. Next thing you know, Kathy is dreaming about Aladdin's cave full of treasures, and there is a plan developing for putting a page on the web site for people to donate their own treasures...in the form of dreams and ideas...to the web site. All within the space of a week.

And finally, speaking of Australia, Peace Bridge member Victoria Quinton, was interviewed this month by a reporter from a sustainable growth magazine put out by a company called GHD in Sydney. Among the questions she was asked were:
  1. What do you think are the five major problems, issues and challenges now facing humans in the area of sustainability, peace, and harmony in the world?
  2. What is your vision of how it could be?
  3. What do you see as the pathway?
  4. Who else do you know who is working in these areas?
  5. What resources do you recommend?
Truthfully, the first question alone would have stopped me, but Victoria (who many of you know from her role as moderator of the dreamchatters online group) is an articulate and knowledgeable spokesperson for both dreams and peace.

Of course, there is still war and rumors of war. Yvonne, in Mexico City had a dream in early December that World War Three had begun and nuclear bombs were being dropped on the U.S. Fortunately, this was "only a dream." But because the dreamers on the World Dreams Peace Bridge tend to believe that our dreams can change the world, we plan to celebrate the Solstice on December 21 by joining Roger Ripert in France, and the rest of the people in Onieros, in the Planetary Dream for World Peace.

In this holiday season, dreamers are especially aware of the song which early became the theme song of the World Dreams Peace Bridge: "Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me."

The World Dreams Peace bridge is open to all people who dream of world peace: http://www.worlddreamspeacebridge.org

or discussion group: worlddreams-subscribe@yahoogroups.com